Pros and cons of uPVC doors and windows

uPVC is well known for its durability and affordability and has been a popular choice for doors and windows across Scotland for decades.

Let’s walk through the pros and cons of uPVC for doors and windows, and perhaps by the end, you’ll know if it’s a match made in home improvement heaven or if you’re destined for a different material suitor.

Pros of uPVC Doors and Windows


 If uPVC was a contestant on “The Price is Right,” it would be the one coming closest to the actual retail price without going over. It’s significantly cheaper than its wooden and aluminium counterparts, making it the darling of budget-conscious renovators.

Low Maintenance

 uPVC doors and windows are like the low-maintenance friend who never asks for rides to the airport at 3 AM. They don’t demand repainting or sealing, making them perfect for those who’d rather spend their weekends lounging than labouring.


uPVC is tough. It’s the material equivalent of a superhero that doesn’t age (or yellows very slowly over time) and is resistant to corrosion, rot, and salt erosion. Ideal for homes in harsh weather conditions or by the sea, where it laughs in the face of salty air.


uPVC is essentially a thermal blanket for your home. Its insulation properties are top-notch, helping to keep your abode warm in the winter and cool in the summer, potentially saving on energy bills and making your home more eco-friendly.


Coupled with strong locks, uPVC doors and windows can turn your home into Fort Knox. They’re robust, difficult to break into, and can be fitted with various locking mechanisms to keep the baddies out.

Cons of uPVC Doors and Windows

Aesthetic Limitations

If uPVC were a colour, it might be beige. It’s not known for its broad palette or wood-like charm, which can be a deal-breaker for those yearning for the warmth and character of natural materials.

Environmental Concerns

uPVC stands for unplasticised polyvinyl chloride, and while it’s recyclable, its production and disposal raise environmental eyebrows. It’s a bit of a paradox—great for insulating homes but not so great for the planet in the long run.

Longevity Issues

Although uPVC is durable, it doesn’t hold a candle to the century-spanning lifespan of materials like wood or aluminium. It might start to show its age after a couple of decades, especially in extremely hot climates where it can warp or discolour.

The Verdict

Choosing uPVC door installation Glasgow is a bit like choosing a meal from a diner menu—there’s something comforting about it, and it does the job well, but it might not be the most exquisite experience. It’s affordable, low maintenance, and offers excellent insulation, but it’s worth considering the environmental impact and whether its aesthetic aligns with your home’s style.

In the end, whether uPVC sweeps you off your feet or leaves you wanting more, it’s crucial to weigh these pros and cons against your personal needs and preferences. After all, the heart wants what the heart wants, be it in love or in home renovations.

Easy cleaning routine for a healthy home

A healthy home is a happy home and at the end of the day, is anything really more important than that?

Maintaining effective hygiene practices in your home is crucial for creating a healthy and safe environment for you and your family. These practices not only help in keeping your living space clean but also play a significant role in preventing the spread of pests and diseases.

Follow these simple tips and you and your loved ones will have a hygienic, healthy, and happy place to build your lives and welcome your family and friends.


We are one of the leading Chorley Pest Control firms and help businesses and individuals to create pest free and hygienic environments across the nation.

Regular Cleaning Routine

Establish a daily cleaning habit focusing on frequently used areas such as the kitchen and bathroom. Wipe down surfaces, sweep floors, and manage clutter to minimize hiding spots for pests. Dedicate time each week for deep cleaning under furniture, behind appliances, and other hard-to-reach areas to identify and eliminate potential pest breeding sites.

Waste Management

Use bins with tight-fitting lids to prevent attracting pests and ensure garbage is disposed of regularly without accumulation. Clean recyclables before storing them and maintain your compost bin properly to avoid attracting pests.

Food Storage and Handling

Store food, especially grains and sweets, in airtight containers to prevent attracting pests. Clean spills and crumbs promptly to avoid leaving food residues on countertops and floors.

Fix Leaks and Reduce Moisture

Address water leaks promptly as moist environments attract pests. Use dehumidifiers in damp areas like basements to discourage pests that thrive in moist conditions.

Seal Entry Points

Inspect your home’s exterior for openings that pests could use to enter and seal gaps around windows, doors, and utility lines. Install screens on windows and vents and use door sweeps to prevent pests from crawling underneath.

Outdoor Hygiene Maintenance

Keep your garden and yard tidy by trimming overgrown vegetation and disposing of yard waste promptly. Ensure gutters are clean and water doesn’t accumulate in your yard to prevent breeding mosquitoes.

Pest-Proof Storage Areas

Regularly clean and declutter storage areas, such as attics and basements, to reduce hiding spots for pests. Store items in plastic bins instead of cardboard boxes, which can attract pests like cockroaches and rodents.

Regular Inspection and Maintenance

Periodically inspect your home for signs of pests or damage that could invite infestations. Consider annual inspections by pest control professionals to identify and address potential issues before they become serious.

Educate Household Members

Teach everyone in the household the importance of cleanliness and proper food handling to maintain a pest-free environment.

Personal Hygiene

Encourage regular hand washing, especially before meals and after handling pets or trash, to prevent the spread of germs.

Implementing these hygiene practices helps in significantly reducing the risk of pest infestations and creates a healthier living environment for your family. Maintaining a clean home is one of the most effective ways to keep pests at bay.

What is a Tyre Pressure Monitoring system?

TPMS or tyre pressure monitoring system is a series of electronic sensors that are attached to the wheels of your vehicle to keep an eye on the pressure and report back if things go amiss.

It is a vital piece of safety technology that is installed on pretty much all modern cars and will trigger a warning light activation to alert you in the even that the pressure falls too lot in one of your tyres.

Since 2014 it has been a legal requirement that any car that is manufactured in the UK is fitted with a TPMS system as a matter of road safety.

As a mobile tyre fitting company, we frequently replace TPMS sensors and systems when repairing or replacing tyres at the roadside and are well acquainted with all the ins and outs of the technology at this point in time.

Direct vs Indirect TPMS

There are two different common types of TPMS system and it is important for you to know which is fitted on your own vehicle.

A direct TPMS system works by a sensor being placed inside the valves of each tyre on your car. These sensors monitor pressure in real time and transmit the information wirelessly back to the car itself.

This is considered as the most accurate way of monitoring tyre pressure in real time and provides incredibly accurate readings. The only potential negative of a direct TPMS system is that they are more easy to damage than indirect systems sure to their location protruding from the tyre.

Should your valve be damaged, the sensor will often be destroyed or damaged beyond repair and a replacement will be needed.

Luckily, mobile tyre fitting firms such as ourselves can replace a TPMS sensor when we repair or replace your tyres, saving you the hassle of planning a visit to the shop. It is worth noting that on occasion a TPMS warning light will indicate low pressure in the tyre when the reality is that the sensor itself is faulty.

Either way give us a call.

In comparison, an indirect TPMS sensor works through the use of ABS wheel speed sensors that will utilise relative wheel speed to identify wheels which have begun to rotate faster than expected and are therefore potentially underinflated.

Whilst the theory that wheels rotate faster when underinflated is sound, an indirect TPMS is nowhere near as precise, and can give incorrect readings in some cases.

In fact, it doesn’t give precise readings of tyre pressure at all, simply warning you that there may be an underinflation based on its observations.

Is a TPMS system assessed in an MOT?

Yes! Any car that is fitted with a TPMS system will have it assessed as part of their MOT and faulty sensors will lead to a fail in the same way as any other fault.

For this reason it is worth having your TPMS system checked by a professional on a regular basis to spot any faults at the earliest opportunity.

5 top home improvements 2023

There are many fantastic benefits of owning your own home. Being able to redecorate, remodel, or upgrade your property whenever and however you like is one of the best.

You deserve a home that truly reflects your personality and is a place of refuge you just can’t wait to retreat to after a long day in the office.

The Covid-19 pandemic changed the way we live forevermore, and more people than ever now work from home or a full-time or part-time basis. The longer you spend in your home, the more important it is that you are comfortable and happy with the environment around you.

Whether it’s a new coat of paint or an entirely new bathroom, there are many different ways to personalise your home.

In 2023, more homeowners than ever before are deciding the take the plunge and finally make the change they have been considering for so many years.

Here are some of the most popular changes that homeowners have been making this year.

home office

Home sauna installation

Home saunas bring the ultimate comfort of a luxury spa into the convenience of your own home.

An infrared sauna for home use is far more affordable than you might think and provides a fantastic array of health and lifestyle benefits. Soothing aches and pains, reducing inflammation, and detoxifying the body of the user, using a home sauna on a regular basis will do wonders for your physical and mental wellbeing.

Home office installation

Propping your laptop up on your kitchen table might have worked through a lockdown or two, but if you are now working from home on a permanent basis, it’s time to upgrade the set up.

Whether it is the refurbishment of an existing office or the renovation of an entire floorplan to incorporate your new workspace, a dedicated home office will separate your home and work life and make your WFH experience a whole lot more comfortable.

Energy Efficiency Upgrades

With energy prices on the rise, reducing the amount of heat lost from a property has become the number one priority for many homeowners.

Installing insulation, double or triple glazing, and renewable heating sources such as air source heat pumps are just some of the changes that improve thermal efficiency and will help to keep you toastie and warm without breaking the bank this coming winter.


If you have plenty of room available and are looking to make a sound financial investment, additional accommodation installed in your outdoor space is a great option.

You could use this when family come to stay, or rent it out using AirBnb or a similar platform.

This is becoming more and more popular amongst landowners in all parts of the nation but you do need to bear in mind that you will probably need planning permission for any form of permanent building. It is for this reason that temporary accommodation such as yurts or similar are the go-to choice for many.

5 cosmetic treatment mistakes to avoid

Visiting a cosmetic clinic for plastic surgery, or a non-surgical treatment is exciting, but it can also be nerve-racking, particularly if this is the first time that you have done so.

If you opt for a permanent treatment, you are about to commit to something that will have consequences, hopefully for the better, on the rest of your life. We are one of the leading providers of lip fillers Glasgow, and a range of other non-surgical cosmetic treatments but have experienced professionals in our team who also have extensive knowledge of the plastic surgery industry.

To help put you at ease and ensure you are aware of all of the facts before proceeding with your treatment, we have created this guide to the 5 common mistakes made by first time cosmetic clients. Avoid these and you are well on the way to achieving the results you desire in a safe and comfortable environment.


Mistake 1: Failing to do research

The worst thing that you can do when choosing a plastic surgeon is simply to google clinics in your local area and choose the first one that pops up. Take time to do in-depth research into the training their clinicians have gone through, their experience, their qualifications, and the reviews that they have received in the past.

This will give you a much better idea of what to expect when you visit them for the first time and help you to avoid cowboy surgeons.

Mistake 2: Failing to explain your goals

If a cosmetic doctor is unaware of exactly what it is that you are hoping to achieve with your treatment, they won’t be able to deliver the best possible results, or warm you that your goals may not be attainable through this treatment.

You should always be fully transparent with your surgeon about your goals and aims for the best possible results.

Mistake 3: Unrealistic expectations

The results that cosmetic treatments can have are astounding but most are designed to enhance your natural beauty, not completely restructure your appearance.

Make sure that you are realistic about what you expect to achieve from your treatment and ask the clinic for some before and after shots of those who have had the treatment in the past to keep your expectations in check

Mistake 4: Getting treatment for the ‘wrong’ reasons

If you do decide to get a cosmetic treatment, it should be entirely your decision to do so. Never feel pressured by others to change your appearance or proceed with a treatment to please someone else. If you feel any sort of pressure to go through with treatment or have any concerns whatsoever, talk to your doctor and they should encourage you to think again.

Mistake 5: Ignoring doctor’s advice

When you get a cosmetic treatment, your doctor will give you some rules to follow in regards to rest and recovery. Follow these to the letter for the best chance of swift healing and the best possible results.

Why you should always choose a security company as your keyholder

Keyholding is a professional service offered by all leading security companies. It involves entrusting them with a key to your premises that they will use when required to respond to any emergency situations.

Alongside emergency response, your keyholders can be delegated a number of everyday tasks such as opening and closing the site conducting routine risk assessments to reduce the risk of issues arising.

Some people choose to designate the role of keyholder to a trusted member of staff, but this is not recommended, mainly because there is no way to guarantee their safety and they do not possess the knowledge of skills to deal with the security threats that they may face.

cctv keyholding

24/7 Protection

Even if one of your staff members agrees to be your keyholder and respond to alarm activations around the clock, there can be no guarantee that they will be in a position to drop everything and be on site in a matter of minutes at all times. Especially during the night, employee keyholders can be understandably slow to respond, increasing the threat of serious damage being caused if the threat turns out to be legitimate.

Even if nothing turns out to be amiss, a late-night activation will leave you with a pretty tired, grumpy, and not so productive member of staff the next day. There are so many other great ways that your staff could be using their time to benefit your business, without delegating them time-consuming tasks that they are not trained for or experienced at.

Professional response

When you hire a professional keyholding company, you will agree with them a set of responses that will be carried out each time an alarm is triggered.

When these highly trained experts arrive on site, usually just minutes after activation, they will carry out their instructions to the letter and have all the skills and expertise required to do just that.

They will also adapt instantly to whatever live situation they face and use their knowledge to deal with the situation. If required, they will get in touch with the emergency services and work alongside them to ensure that your site is secure before they leave.


When a security firm is the one responsible for dealing with emergencies, there can be no doubt over who should be doing what in terms of site security.

This will provide your staff with valuable peace of mind that they are not expected or required to put themselves in harm’s way in the event of an emergency and could save vital time when a rapid response is required most.

Maximum key protection


When you provide a staff member with a set of your keys, there is no guarantee that they will be kept safe and secure until an alert occurs.

When you leave your keys in the possession of a professional security company, they will keep your keys in a highly secure central location, protecting them from theft whilst still ensuring they can be accessed by SIA licenced security officers the instant that a security threat is detected.

As soon as the issue has been dealt with, your security team will secure the site once again before returning the keys to the secure location until such time as they are required once again.

Routine security assessments

Whether they mean to or not, every time that a security officer visits any property they will be constantly observing and analysing the site for anyway in which the security on the site could be improved.

Risk assessments are the key to great security on any commercial site and using a professional security firm as your keyholders will ensure that they are carried out by those with an in-depth knowledge of how to spot security threats and how to tackle them effectively.

If required you can arrange for a report to be provided by your keyholders every time the attend the site to perform routine task such as opening and closing the premises. Almost every keyholding company worth the name will provide you with incident reports in the event of any alarm activation but routine reports provide an additional layer of protection.
