Smart Ways to Reduce your School’s Carbon Impact (Part 1)

Lowering your school’s carbon impact is not as hard as it may sound. In fact, there are a variety of ways to reduce carbon emissions in order to help protect the planet. Here are some tips and recommendations from the Let’s Go Zero campaign, a zero carbon movement uniting schools in the United Kingdom.

Wise energy use and conservation

Saving energy consumption is actually easy. Simply switching off lights and electronics when not in use can make a big difference. Keep in mind that electronics still consumes electricity when left plugged in, which can accumulate to a significant amount over time. Clean energy sources must also be considered. Solar energy for instance is a much greener alternative. The cost of solar panels may be quite high but when you look at the long-term savings and benefits you can get and the great impact it has on saving the planet from harmful emissions from traditional energy sources, you will know why going solar is a great move.

Improvement of school buildings

School buildings can be transformed into energy-efficient structures with the right design and materials. One way to do it is by improving the buildings’ ventilation and natural lighting use. Other mechanisms for improved cooling and heating features must also be incorporated. Upgrades such as external wall insulation, roof space insulation, and window treatment installation can also significantly help lower energy use and costs. In addition, these improvements can improve comfort levels in a classroom.

Canteen menu revision

Reducing school carbon footprint is not only about cutting down energy use; it also has something to do with what people eat. Beef and lamb, for instance, are known for the environmental damage caused by their production. Excluding these meats from the school’s canteen menu is a great start. Another wise way is to encourage students to eat more vegetables by putting vegetarian dishes first on the menu.

There are many more ways for schools to reduce their carbon impact. Check out the second part of this article for more tips and recommendations.
